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Complete Infrastructure Design for:

Underground Pathways (campus infrastructure)
Interior Pathways (building infrastructure)
Backbone/Horizontal Cabling
Telecom/MDF/IDF Rooms
Data Centers
Intercom/Paging including IP Addressable
Video Distribution
Sound Systems (Auditoriums, Gymnasiums)
Audio/Visual systems for board, conference and training rooms
Security Intrusion
Access Control
Security Cameras
DAS (Distributed Antenna System)
Communication Centers (Radio dispatch, 911 and EOC)

Special Systems Engineering, LLC

SSE, LLC provides special systems design, planning, field management and consulting services from Design Development to Construction Documents. Working through architects, Engineers and directly with owner’s, SSE, LLC provides logical and comprehensive designs. The infrastructure design coordinates data, VoIP, telephone, intercom/paging, video distribution/media retrieval, security intrusion, access control, security camera, sound reinforcement and other related low voltage communication systems. Our document set includes AutoCAD sheets and division 27 and 28 specifications.

SSE, LLC is a member of BICSI and holds certifications in fiber optic design, The Fiber Master Certification and several other certifications from various manufacturers.

special systems design example